Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays to celebrate. I love being with my family and friends and enjoying a delicious meal, watching the parade on TV, and catching up with the lastest family conversation. But sometimes, after spending all day in the kitchen cooking all that amazing food, food that I know my family will love, my children decide that it is the perfect day to choose to not like a single item on our menu.
Instead of fighting the inevitable battle, Jason's Deli comes to the rescue. With one picky eater and one that will eat anything, actually creating a dinner that they will both enjoy is sometimes difficult. But, with a whole house full to entertain and feed, the best solution for this is the new catering for entertaining packages from Jason's Deli.

The new catering for entertaining packages are perfect for Thanksgiving lunch or even dinner. They are free from dyes, artificial trans fats and flavors, processed MSG, and high-fructose corn syrup which make them perfect for serving kids. Plus, Jason's Deli serves Simply Orange that I can use to create a delicious orange juice smoothie that pairs perfectly with the Kid's Party Package.
Orange Juice Smoothie

- 2 cups Simply Orange Juice
- 1/2 cup of milk
- 1 banana; cut into pieces
- 1 tsp of vanilla extract
- Approx. 2 - 3 cups of ice.

- In a blender, pour in all ingredients.
- Mix until smooth and ice is all crushed.
- Serve in cups. Add a fun straw.

Now that our meal is taken care of, I get to work creating a fun table to keep them busy before, during, and after lunch. We usually eat our Thanksgiving meal for lunch, that way we can go back for seconds and thirds and sometimes fourths all day long. Keeping my two boys entertained that long is a task, plus adding in their cousins and other young family members, I needed something to keep them entertained all day long. I created this lunch table perfect for all the kids with an area for games and crafts that can easily be cleared off for food and then back to crafts again.

The main focus of our table was the delicious ham and cheese and turkey and cheese sandwiches from Jason's Deli. Plus, the carrots, apple slices, organic apple juice, potato chips, ranch dip, and Simply Orange.

I set each place setting with plates, napkins, and orange juice smoothies. Those turkey plates were just ready to be filled up with turkey sandwiches and sides to be gobbled up.

A kids' table should be fun and functional and be filled with items that can be played with and not just for decoration. Because, telling a 3 year old to not touch the cute plush turkey is just a little hard to do. So, for my kids table, I used a fun turkey and his friends mixed with containers of school supplies and mini plaid pumpkins.

For activities to keep them busy, I set out crayons, colored pencils, and markers along with fun Thanksgiving themed activity sheets. From tic-tac-toe, to coloring a turkey, and even make your own dinner sheet, these will keep them busy for a while. When they get bored with these, kids can play Thanksgiving Bingo and even a create your own turkey craft.

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