“This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Weave Made Media® and DreamWorks, but all my opinions are my own. #weavemade #VeggieTalesfun http://my-disclosur.es/RgFrEH”
My boys love to play and use their imagination especially when it comes to something like their favorite heroes and characters. But, with so many TV shows and movies out there, I worry about the messages they are sending to them. There is always so much violence and questionable behavior in the new cartoons they are targeting to young kids these days. But, when a show comes along, like VeggieTales, you never have to worry about the lessons and values they are learning.

Have you ever stopped and actually paid attention to what is going on in the shows and movies your kids are watching? Just because they are geared towards to children doesn't mean that children should be watching them. The lessons they are teaching may not always be the best or be what you want your children to emulate. With VeggieTales you never have to worry about what message they are trying portray. VeggieTales is a faith-based show dedicated to teaching children morals and kindness. Plus, VeggieTales now has toys available at Wal-Mart!!!

Now, we can play VeggieTales anytime we want and wherever we go, including our grandparents house!!! The boys were very excited to get their very own VeggieTales toys. Once they picked out their favorites, we headed over to the grandparents for an afternoon of fun!

The fun didn't stop there! They could not get enough of the VeggieTales fun. As soon as we got home we had to turn on our favorite show. Of course our new "friends" joined along.

Be sure to head to your local Wal-Mart to pick up your very own VeggieTales toy and don't forget to visit them on facebook or check out their website.
What is your favorite VeggieTales Episode??? We love Puppies and Guppies!!
What is your favorite VeggieTales Episode??? We love Puppies and Guppies!!
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