As the year moves on, I realized that my little boys are growing up. Way too fast. They are no longer little baby boys but, big little boys growing into young men. Cue the tears. It's heartbreaking. Yes they are still young, only 7 and 9. They no longer play with the trains and trucks and the picture books are pushed to the back of the book case. Taking their places on the front line are video games, action figures, and more "grown up" toys and books. With that being said, it was time to add more age appropriate decor into their playroom.

One afternoon, after I cleaned out all their toys and took everything off the walls, I realized I had nothing to hang in its place. I knew I had to get crafty and a DIY project was in order. After a quick trip to the craft store, I grabbed two 2 pack 8 x 10 blank canvases and got to work creating this very easy craft project that took only a small part of the afternoon.

I applied the decal to the center of the blank canvas and got to painting. The brush strokes were completely accidental but loved how it came out. I was using my sons little water color paintbrush that was falling apart. But, it actually helped make the project more creative and stand out.
I painted strokes from the inside out, as to not get any paint under the decal. Very important to remember. Inside to out only. Do not brush back and forth. You will risk getting paint up under the edges and ruining the design.

Once the paint dried I peeled off the decal and had the best decor I could ever have! Even better then if I bought it because I did it for them. Total cost $6.00 for 4 paintings. Perfect!

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