Braden started preschool at 3 and pre-k at 4 before he started kinder. Blake went when he was 3 as well for the full year and we removed him during his 2nd year after the first semester. He was extremely unhappy, became really aggressive, and was not enjoying himself one bit. Plus, there was some bullies in the class and it was not handled properly so we left. So, that is another reason we decided to home school this year.

Because it is only pre-k, the only thing he will be missing out on is the social interaction and structure of a schedule at school. So, we are planning some "play" time and meet ups with others in the neighborhood. That way, he will not miss out on meeting new friends.

Our first day was a success. He was so excited and was ready to get going! We started with a simple back to school theme and incorporated Apples. He wrote his name, colored, drew pictures, worked on worksheets, painted, read books, and even started an alphabet book. I know he will be thrilled for day 2, we are making an apple pie!

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